Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Not despair

Not despair you are not the man, and he does not booming,
Who are you that you need, when applied to light?
Are you not a man, and in your heart
If there is no war and thoughts of fear and chip?
Are you not afraid, and also in fear of cruel,
Do not, as usual,
Faint goal, the desire to be loved,
Sticking to a virtuous thoughts moved by the beauty?
Like your wife, you keep your dear children,
Secondly, this does not mean that man is reprehensible, but says they are.
But they are not. It's about your judgment
Presumptuous, false, totally pointless, but only your own
Trustless not aim, outdoors,
Done a philosophy prinked, beautified
In fine dress and in the world
To cope with the worst, it is as if the escape.
Oh know your own heart, the heart, that not all bad,
And in the context of the great judges,
If you need to assess, but sympathy with the life,
Or, you hopeless, the fleeing unrest

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